Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Maiden's Projects for the Year.

I have so many projects I want to get started/finish this year! If you could see how many files are saved under my 'Things I want to Make' folder on my laptop, I think you would be astounded but at the same time, apprehensive.

Of late, I've become a terrible procrastinator. I put things off because I fear I cannot complete them. It all boils down to the confidence blow I suffered last year. I was studying to be a nurse; my childhood dream. To make an insufferably long story short, childhood aspirations, through rose-tinted glasses, do not always always make the best of career choices. I was told,on my Practical Placement, that I could not be a good nurse (among other things, I will not mention). Why? Because I am, and I will quote, 'too empathetic.' I care too much about people and their suffering. Which is not a bad thing! After being told I would fail at the only thing I wanted to do for nineteen years, I crumbled. And I've had a hard time trying to rise up again.

I'm a year older and I'm slowly learning to say a big "Eff you!" to anyone who tries to tell me I can't follow my dreams. This is roughly how the conversation will go.
"Don't follow your dreams, Maiden. That's folly!"
"Place your lips upon my backside, naysayer! I can do whatever the hell I want!"

Except I'm Australian, so it is the slightest bit rougher than depicted here... ;)

Moving along!
This post is to inform you of (some of) the projects I am planning for this year. I'll list them in dot-point form, for easy reading!

-finish Daenerys Qarth costume for the Medieval Festival
-paint 'Spriggan Hybrid' on canvas
-flower wreaths
-do Pinned sewing projects

-home decor
-homemade candles
-on that note, make soap
-do some dreamcatchers
-make Yule decor for Yule (duh)
-clay sculptures
-make some dresses
-start 'Tie Dye Tuesday' up again

-wire trees
-ma'farking snowglobes (because I love them)
-do some recycled bottle craft
-butterfly wings

Don't stress too much if you have no idea what any of these mean, you will eventually.
Also, I believe this post right here, is the most accurate explanation of why I'm The Eclectic Maiden.

May the Gods watch over you,

-- The Eclectic Maiden.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

An Introduction!

When I read a Blog, there are two questions that come to mind; who are you and why the hell are you writing?Are you writing as a vent for your emotions? Do you have something of worth to share with the world? Will you make me laugh and think? Or are you just going to post pictures of your food? I don't know. But that's what I want to know. What is your purpose here?So that's what this post is about. Sharing why I thought it was necessary to write a Blog.

Now, to make this easier to follow, it will be set out in Q&A form. Like an interview with myself, about myself, for you to enjoy. Good idea? Splendid.

Alright, tell me a bit about yourself.
My name is Rebecca, otherwise known as The Eclectic Maiden. Where did that name come about? I made it up, sort of... If you ask anyone who knows me, to describe me in one word, they would say "eclectic." Why? Because I'm into a lot of things. Vikings, Medieval, Hippie, Shabby Chic. I like Skyrim, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and Game of Thrones... The point is, I like a lot of things. But my heart lies, with the Viking and Medieval era. I don't really know why but something resounds inside me with that time.
It could be perhaps that I'm a bit of an old spirit.

Which brings me to
Ásatrú. I have always had Christianity blasted in my face by a particular few in my family, society and even at school. If you follow it, all the best for you. But it has never made sense to me. I don't understand why 'Religious Studies' was a compulsory subject in Primary School. Before you go Bible Bashing me, saying I'm a Heathen, that my soul is going to burn and nonsense like that, am I not entitled to my own opinion? I found a religion ehh, I wouldn't call it that; its more a way of life. The more I researched Ásatrú, the more I realised I had been living my life the way they described. Now I just had a name to put to it.

I'm also into art. And, like every other aspect of my life, you guessed it! I'm eclectic there too. I like all forms of art. Which you will discover shortly.

What are your goals in life?
To be quite honest, I want to own an Inn. You know, the kind you see on the likes of Lord of the Rings - Hello to The Prancing Pony - and on Skyrim. This may sound strange but I like that atmosphere. Everyone is jovial. The bartender has conversations with the patrons, although they don't feel like 'just another patron who funds the Inn' because he knows them by name and knows their story. They feel important. Like they belong. The food is cooked right, not in a hurry, and the patrons are cool with that. They're paying for a homecooked, delicious meal. Not some grease pile. People can have a drink and a sing a song together.  

That's what I want to create. A place for people to enjoy themselves. They can come for a meal with the family and later in the night, have a few drinks with their mates.
Except I want to be the bartender, so we better make that '...she knows their name.' 

I also want to travel to New Zealand, Norway, Iceland, Greenland... In fact, most countries outside of Australia.

What's stopping you and how are you going to overcome that obstical?
Money. Lack of money is stopping me. How will I overcome that? By saving money until I can afford to make my goals a reality.

Well, Ms Eclectic Maiden, why are you writing a Blog?
I want to share my art and my life with people. I have a DeviantArt page already, so I thought it would be nice for people to have a page where they could, perhaps, purchase some of said art. Or at least inspire them to make masterpieces of their own.
This page is also to keep myself inspired. I'm going to try my hardest to post, at least, once a week. It will keep me motivated. So, I'm writing a Blog for me, for you, for art, for success!

You mentioned you liked Skyrim, why?

This question here. This question right here, is something I get asked all the time! Its not just Skyrim I like love, its the whole Elder Scrolls series, just for starters. I'm not one of those Teeney Boppers that are like "OMG SKYRIM IS SO FUN! I am the Dragonborn lol. Look at me play Xbox with my fake-nerd glasses. Such gamer. Wow. Much nerd."
Don't confuse me with "Gamer Girls." I'm simply a gamer, who happens to be a girl. I digress... Anyway, I love Skryim because its been there for me when I needed it through a tough time. Nothing says "be happy" like killing some Thalmor, saving a village and generally feeling needed by random NPCs. Skyrim allows me to travel and do what I want. Don't have any money? Go do a miscellaneous quest on the opposite side of the map. Become a Bard, a leader of the Companions or an Assassin.

The point is, Skyrim, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, all of these make me feel happy. If I ever need cheering up, I can watch/play any of these and BAM! Instantly happy Maiden!

I can't think of any more questions now. If you want to know something about me, go ahead; ask away! Anyway, I hope all who read this, have enjoyed this little insight into my mind.

May the Gods watch over you,

-- The Eclectic Maiden.